Created a set for broadening the Color spectrum of toddlers. This set is meant to use for toddlers 1.5-3 years old. Total 10 pages of color palettes. This set includes Palettes of various patterns in color variations, that can be used in several ways. Learning colors 1 each day or 1 per week is advised rather then teach several colors at once.
– Show child different objects, toys or stuff around that is of color green for example, then show the green color pallet and point at each an say it’s green this and this. Child will learn that colors can be in different ‘shades’, like dark green, light green, swamp green, etc.. no need to name them just say green.
– Next activity taking one color palette printing in 2 copies and laminating then playing matching pattern game. Show child how to play 1st then help him if needed to match the patterns on the sheet, this makes the child learn distinguish not only by color but by pattern as well it may be confusing for child at start but after several times of play child starts to understand.
-Last 3 pages there are 3 mixed color sheets being ideal for color/pattern assessment matching or pointing activity.
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