The set includes activities for toddlers 2+ years. Learning numbers many times is challenging but practicing various games and worksheets helps a lot into number recognition, counting and memorizing.
The set includes:
1. Pick the number cards, you can use pegs to let the child pin on the correct number or place a button or color stone on the correct number .
2. Find the Numbers worksheets, is another exercise of counting and number recognition. It develops attention and strengthens the knowledge about numbers.
3. Puzzle for matching Big to Small, Tall to Short, Few to Many. Child learns to recognize the dimensions and sizes and further develops attention to detail.
4. Number Flashcards will teach your child how to recognize numbers
5. Color and play dough mats for Numbers 1-5. Make the lesson less boring and let the child be creative by painting or decorating the numbers with play dough, colored paper or seeds.
Practice numbers several times a week for a better result. You can make it fun and entertaining, it is all in your hands.
The set is made of 15 pages. You can get it in the store or add to the card below.