Early learning is a common subject among parents and tutors but not many know what actually is early learning, why does the child needs early learning education?

What do parents know or think about early learning?
Many parents are thinking early learning should be tough and needs alot of time and effort for children and parents. Other, parents state that early learning is not beneficial, that parents take away childhood from their own kids.
I been asking around parents about their opinions about early learning just for research purposes. What I have discovered is quite interesting! There are several categories of parents those that are against early learning, those ok with it, and those that are 100% in it.
Why do some say that early learning is nonsense or nonbeneficial?
Parents that are against early learning are 99% not informed about what actually is early learning, they made their own assumption (vison in their mind) that babies/kids are put to sit in school like atmosphere and forced to learn stuff.
The actual problem is that they themselves did not enjoy school or reading books since it was linked with some bad events in their own childhood and this is why they associate learning with something unpleasant. For example, they were forced to go to school, forced to read, forced to do homework one or all of it.

Some of those parents as well state that “I grew pretty ok, i’m not stupid, though i had no early learning, and my child will do as good as me and doesn’t need early learning”
Who are these parents?
The funny thing these parents are not even successful in life, career or personal achievements. They don’t like to read, and never do self-development. They do not believe in progress they are seeing themselves as perfect and deny everything new.
Why ? because they have fears, they like to live in a steady closed environment and they stress out a lot when changes happen. For example, a new improved interface of software at their workplace, it drives them mad. The only question they have why things can’t stay like they were before as it was good enough.
Be a Conscious Parent!
Many of these parents are not taking parenting to a necessary level since they are not conscious parents. They treat their own kids as their property, someone to command and that has to obey etc.

Conscious parenting is reading psychology and parenting books, education books, and drawing your own conclusions of impact, result and act accordingly with your child. So that you don’t try to fix your child but accept it’s personality and as an independent person even if he is in a growing process.
Conscious parenting is basically getting involved in child education and learning process rather than letting the child do whatever he wants until 6-7 years old.
Unconscious parenting is only involving in feeding him, dressing up, and ”yelling” when something is not right. Ultimately stressing out why he has difficulties with the school curriculum, and call the child useless, dumb, etc.. “What you plant is what you get”.
This is a sad case, these parents are not conscious parents since their psychological age is of a child or teenager, even being at 30 years old. They are still centered about themselves and are lost in life, not knowing what’s their purpose, what they want from life, and so on. They find it hard to dedicate time to their child since ” it’s a waste of time” , “don’t have time” or “useless” etc. Often the child can also be a burden subconsciously or even consciously.
So, What is Early Learning?
Early learning is playing with your own child with educational materials or even with just toys but in a slightly different manner then basic play.

Early learning opens up more child development perspectives. Early learning is easy and hands on activities that can be done at home with ease.
The learning process can be done as well with special tutors but it is beneficial, parents to participate as well in the learning process and education.
However, sending your child away to prestige learning center/school with all-day loaded activities may tire the child and make him lose the interest and will to learn.
How long has to be an early learning class?
There are many early learning programs, each having its twists. The learning process is beneficial as long as it is not forced and the duration of the class is between 1-2 hours. It much depends on the child and the activities involved. The younger the child the less concentration span he has.

Dosing the activities is crucial, be it in an early learning school or at-home activities. Even if the child is very engaged and wants to do more and more activities, it is important to do a break of several hours.
Let the child have free play, color something with crayons, play with dolls, cars etc. It helps them relax and develop their imagination and take away the tension from the classes even if the child looked relaxed.
Moreover, Early Learning comes hand in hand with good connection and communication between the child and parent/tutor.
Otherwise, it can only develop emotional injuries and create insecurities and make the child be emotionless, it can as well develop aggressiveness and misbehavior as a protest to parents’ ignorance.
Please consult a family psychologist if you need a professional consultant.
Benefits of Early Learning Education
Early Learning is stimulating the children’s brain to be more receptive to information and by the age of 7 when enrolled in school these kids are able to absorb information better. They are learning faster, are more receptive even during long class hours.
Early learning is like a gym for the brains. However, it does not involve solely logical activities, it as well can develop artistic skills and even intuition.
The benefits of early learning are disputed a lot on the internet and among parents. The truth is simple, if you expect to grow a genius and do heavy early learning instead of dosing it out, you might end in quite the opposite situation that child will dislike learning.
Don’t make high expectations, this is not get a genius quick scheme !
Thus some parents drawing the wrong conclusion that early learning doesn’t work in the long run.