Funny Shadow Match
Shadow matching activity worksheets. Help develop visual discrimination and concentration skills. Activity sheets for toddlers age 2+.

Find The Differences
Find the differences in the images activity sheets for toddlers, kindergartners and preschoolers. Develop attention to detail in children age 3-5.

Role of Parenting in Early Learning
Early learning is a common subject among parents and tutors but not many know what actually is early learning, why does the child needs early learning education? What do parents know or think about early learning? Many parents are thinking early learning should be tough and needs alot of time and effort for children and […]

What is right brain education?
Right brain education is about having children develop more imagination, sensitivity, creativity and intuition rather than focusing on academic achievements, knowledge and logics alone. There are several methods of the right brain education, the method Shichida is most known. Right brain education principles are based on a sense of cooperation, love, and oneness. How does it work? Left brain education […]